Create a new user

This API will create the user in the Alumni platform.


  • The user JSON schema payload must be populated as it is returned on the user schema API.
  • Required fields cannot be sent with empty values.
  • Even if "disable required fields" is set as "true" the system will check the mandatory fields: first name, last name, and email address.
  • The system email “Welcome to access passport” must be enabled to receive the invitation email. After receiving the first email, an email reminder can be sent if the user did not click to register. To send the email reminders, the system emails “Bounce Migrated 1” and “Bounce Migrated 2” must also be enabled in the platform.

Expected Return

An error in case the system could not create the user on the platform or a success message in case the user was successfully created along with user ResourceGuid (Alumni unique identifier).


  • By default, the system won’t send the email to the created user.
  • It is possible to send an invitation email once the user is created. To do that the parameter “send invitation email” must be sent as “true”.
  • By default, the API will check if the required fields are populated in the payload.
  • To disable the required fields the value to be passed in “disable required fields” is “true”.
  • A user can be created without all the required fields being populated. In this case, the user can finish filling in all his information once he signs up.