Update user approval status

This API will return the user information querying the user by the externalGuid.


  • The user ResourceGuid (Alumni unique identifier) must be populated to execute this API.
  • The new approval status (APPROVED/REJECTED) must be specified on the call. If using the developer page, the input must look like the following: {"signupStatus":"APPROVED"} or {"signupStatus":"REJECTED"}

Expected return

  • An error in case the system could not find or update the user or a success message in case the user was successfully opted out. This success message will be the new status the user will have.


  • The user ResourceGuid can be found on the return of other APIs such as "Create and return a new user" and "Return a list of users".
  • The user ResourceGuid might be seen on user data reports.
  • The ResourceGuid is on the CRM view of the user profile URL: