Validate user schema json

This API can be used to validate the user json schema created by the developer before executing other user data APIs.


  • The user JSON schema payload must be populated as it is returned on the user schema API.
  • Required fields cannot be sent with empty values even if the field "disable required fields" is set as true".
  • Even if "disable required fields" is set as "true" the system will check the mandatory fields: first name, last name, and email address.

Expected return

An error in case there is incorrect information in the payload or a success message in case the information is correct and can be used on other user data APIs.


  • By default, the API will check if the required fields are populated in the payload.
  • To disable the required fields the value to be passed in “disable required fields” is “true”.
  • A user can be created without all the required fields being populated. In this case, the user can finish filling in all his information once he signs up.